Star came from around the tree. Then noticed a bird above her. The bird started to fly away, so she tried to jump and catch her. Unfortunately the bird settled down and Star lost interest. Her attention then turned to the pack member she jumped to. Star was soaked being that she just jumped out of the spring. She shook and threw water everywhere around her.

After she was done shaking she said.' Nice to meet you Alae, my name is Star. Its nice to meet someone else from the pack. It's not normal for me to meet people. That's why I come here." She said

Star said everything as calm as possible. But the excitement was overwhelming the day that she was invited to the pack shes been trying to help as much as she could until the old pack leader left. No one since has wanted her help because of how young she is.

She said with much excitement. "The river is nice its been beautiful out. It's also nice to cool off for a little before another run around my small track."

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