not many people where so eager to run not even back in the ancient human time of age. Star could remember a dream of hers that should one day meet someone like this but could never think of the wolfs name. After a while she forgot and never worried about it. She knew though her next choice would give her a friend or swipe it right away. She did love to run and actually enjoyed it as well. The track that she usually runs on is a little deeper in the forest though she didn't know if Alae would be up for a small walk before. At the same time she was trying to better herself. But on the same thinking she would like to help better anyone that would like to join as well. She tried look on the brighter things though. Like her dad always use to say look bright not dimmer.

she said with a as much hope she would come. " Yes its open to anyone that is willing to come and join. I usually run for fun and to better myself. If you want you can come with me the track is over towards that gap in the trees. It may be about fifteen feet after it. That if you want to join."

Star started to walk off but then remembered some thing that she wanted to tell this wolf. Some thing that she wanted to ask the pack leader until he left and no one has talked to her since.

"Alea I thank you for the complement. But I have a question for you. My dad has told me that he named be because when my mom gave birth to me she was under the north star. And ever since i could remember he's told me that my name Star means that people would look up to me as a respectable person, because stars lead the way for others to get home. Well my question is that do you think I can lead people when i get older. Or do you need to get used to me better then you do now."

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