tomorrow may not come.

Hybrid felt clean. It was a wonderful feeling, having taken what seemed like a shower in the wolf's blood. He had cleansed himself through the other's death. Although the thought of having his fur dirtied by a wolf's blood seemed repulsive initially, it was where it belonged. If it was in the wolf, that meant the wolf was living, and that was most certainly not good. The cheerful glow that followed a death as wonderful as this always made him feel better, always brought up his spirits. The rush of it all was a little intoxicating, too.

Hybrid nodded as Gabriel spoke, shaking his fur slightly, stepping back so he did not spray the Aquila with the bits of sand and twigs that were falling off his fur. Their scuffle in the sand had caused a few things to attach themselves with his fur and drying blood. He regarded the carcass for a few moments before deciding to shift into his Optime form. Hands would make the task much easier. The process took only a few moments, for he had trained himself to shift quickly should he ever need to in battle. It had been a little painful, but he knew the reward would be great.

He stood up and scanned the territory for a stick, or a branch. He saw some wood that had been washed up on shore a few paces away, and jogged over to it. He attempted to pick it up, but found that it was extremely heavy. He dropped to his knees beside the piece of wood and dug around it with his claws, unearthing what seemed to be some sort of frame. The wood was attached to more wood. He dug around it some more, pushing sand away so he could see the three pieces, all connected with nails at different points. He sat down and placed his feet on a piece of wood lying horizontally. He grasped the one piece of woof and pulled back, surprised when it came off fairly easily. The wood was rather dry and brittle, and only the sand had prevented him from taking it. He set it aside and pulled another piece off. He took one piece of wood in each hand and started back toward Gabriel. "A bit farther away from the water, maybe?" He asked, almost speaking to himself. He looked at the carcass, wondering if it would be best to chop the creature up now or later.


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