tomorrow may not come.

The wolf tasted like justice. The sweet scent of righteousness and everything that was going right in the world. Hybrid knew that this was what doing what one was born to do, what one should do was like. He was satisfied that in some way, he and Gabriel were ensuring that the laws of Inferni would be upheld and that they would have another wolf skull to put on display at the edges of their territory.

Hybrid ducked around the wolf, allowing for Gabriel to attack and following up behind him. The two of them attacked the wolf with sure precision of warriors. Both had fought in wars and saw to the death of other wolves and other creatures, and were nearing mastery of the art of killing. They were not there yet; both had much to learn, but this wolf served as a learning tool.

Hybrid snickered at the thought as he lunged toward the wolf's exposed belly. The wolf was snarling madly, and may or may not have been cursing at Gabriel. Hybrid was unable to tell, for the sounds of battle were overwhelming. Hybrid tore into the wolf's belly, holding his front paws down with one of his own to ensure his safety. The wolf, knowing he was to die, was trying to attack at them in any way possible. Blinded or not, he had a grudge. Hybrid flinched away as the wolf caught his fur, jerking quickly so the wolf's claws slashed through his skin, leaving a shallow wound. Hybrid moved back, standing over the wolf's broken back legs, continuing what he had started. Again, his teeth broke the skin of the wolf's belly and his claws held on tight as the wolf thrashed and whined.


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