There's power in the pause

Caspa listened with her usual serious expression to the explanation, parts of which had her lost, other parts seeming to make sense. Caspa had never seen her organs and bones, but she knew they were there, because the effects of them were obvious and they could be felt, sometimes when they pained, or when pressing on the skin. They corresponded with the anatomy of the many dead creatures she had dismembered, and they functioned in ways she had been taught about by the elders of Samira. She had never seen anything that looked like a sacred centre, let alone seven of them, but perhaps she just didn't know what to look for. After all, she would never have guessed what her other innards were for, without somebody to explain. Alae seemed willing to explain her theory, so Caspa would listen. "Control," she repeated. "Awareness. Can I learn those things?" The girl's head was lifted now, bad temper all but forgotten, but so was the sunset. She wanted to know more about how she could learn to rule her mind, rule her spirit.


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