You're just an empty cage if you kill the bird

Caspa was certainly not one to judge another for impulsiveness, but she didn't have reason to as yet anyway. Magnolia was young, but Caspa saw no good reason why a youth shouldn't know their mind as well as an adult; an intelligent one anyway. Magnolia certainly seemed mature, and disillusioned. Her honesty, meeting the stern black eyes with her own, was clear, and Caspa thought perhaps a sign of the kind of dissatisfaction that made you feel you had nothing to lose. "You are still certain you would desire that life?" she mused, watching Magnolia's face. "You must dislike your own, very much." Not only the aspiration to leave pointed that way, but also the general attitude of the rebellious young luperci. Caspa wasn't much for complaining and suffering needlessly, when there were many other worlds and lives to move through and live in, than the small universe one happens to be inhabiting at any given moment.

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