Growing in size with every day
whoo spree time Big Grin


Jace was getting better from her temporary insanity and almost death, the hybrid female was beginning to fill out again, her weight slowly turning the scales back upwards to what it had been before all the trouble started. She was currently curled up cradled in the roots of a very large tree, hidden from the world and hopefully its dangers. She was in her small and nimble lupus form, Jace was almost unnaturally small in her lupus form compared to her secui and optime, in her two extra forms she put on almost double her lupus weight. Anyone seeing Jace in her lupus would be shocked at how small the female actually was which make her saving of Ookami's life even more amazing.

The woman was woken by a noise and she jerked awake suddenly her head swinging about to make sure she was not being attacked, it was then that she realised it was a howl that had woken her and she smiled faintly to herself as she recognized it as belonging to her adopted son, ignoring the sharp pang of pain in her chest at the thought son and daughters Jace pulled herself from her hollow and set off in the direction of the howl. Her paws padded silently through the underbrush, the female moving through the forest like a ghost or spirit of the forest, to be seen and heard only when she wanted to be. She could hear in the distance above her the rumblings and groaning of the clouds as they crashed into each other and formed new patterns, the smell of water and rain was heavy in the air and Jace knew that soon they would be experiencing a downpour.

Jace loved the rain, it was a strange thing that came with her personality, the female loved to sit in the rain for hours feeling the water run over her skin and from her body. Plant life brushed passed her as she sped up finally coming to the place where her son was at. He had grown so big! She was completely and utterly dwarfed by the male looking instead like the puppy that he was next to him instead of the adult of nearly 4 years that she was. Her tail lashed at the air behind her and soft whines came from her throat in greeting as she sniffed all over him making sure he was ok and well.

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