mall-caps;text-varientConfusedmall-caps;">IT'S ONLY cript;">FOREVER, NOT LONG AT ALL

Her mind tossed around the possibility that she would have to leave, and her heart sank into the bottom of her stomach. She had lived outside before, but it was different when she chose to go; if Halo forced her out, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to leave. Death seemed a better option. Yes, Caillen would accept her — if he didn't hate her for the altercation that had occurred with his mother — but it simply wasn't the same. But as she wallowed in the idea, Ezekiel turned her gaze back to his. For a brief moment, surprise flickered over her features. He had never forced action from her in the past, and if he were any other man, she would have been outraged. But this was her brother. As he spoke, she realized a different tone to his voice. Lower, stronger, the voice of a leader. So much like their father. One dark hand rose to grasp his wrist as she listened.

She wasn't leaving, for any reason, and as he closed the distance between them to rest his golden forehead against her sunset fur, she realized something she hadn't yet assumed. She wasn't leaving because he wouldn't let her. He wouldn't let anyone chase her away. He couldn't leave, not now. And for a moment, she had simply assumed it was due to his love for her as a brother, but now it was clear. Her red eyes widened. "You're going to be the Aquila." Gabriel hadn't chosen Halo, for some reason or another, but Ezekiel was his son, and the choice seemed natural now that she recognized it. Her panic faded, replaced with admiration while her arms found their way around her brother's shoulders. She had never thought he might take over for Gabriel, but she had never believed Gabriel would step down.

Relief washed over her as she realized her place in Inferni wouldn't be threatened. "Oh, thank you. Thank you, thank you." Though she spoke aloud, she spoke to their shared God instead of her brother.

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