There's No Secrets
Paw of the black monster slipped back into the pack lands where he knew he shouldn’t be, he knew that if Tala was around she would have had his pups, and he could pick out the best one if there was any and kill the rest. If he did not approve of the pups then why should he allow him to live? They where after all his children, and a gift to Tala to from him, so Lucifer believed that he had all right to pick the pups that he wanted to pass on his family lines was just with in his god given right. The monster took no care for whose lands he was in and who he was not in. After all he was Lucifer and he did not really have a care for anything other than finding someone that would allow him to warm his bed, or wouldn’t either or it didn’t matter.

Lifting his head he could smell the blood from the silver fool that had told him to leave the members of these lands alone, stupid fool thinking he could stop him. When he wanted something he would take it and there was no stopping him. He laughed as the tall monster stood there looking around, shifting around he moved to have a back resting upon a tree.

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