Mizu smiled, the young girl was smart. "I am sure you have more to show for it than that." She giggled, "I actually don't know. But it is a question I am very interested in." She smiled, hoping it didn't seem strange to Ayasha that she didn't know. Mizu smiled, "Well, I could give it to someone that has been laying in bed for a long time. Or I could grind it into a powder and make a tea." She smiled, "Yes, it usually like that." She smiled as she said that she wanted to come by everyday.

The next question shocked her. Oh. I guess I could. I wasn't asked or anything. If your mother wants me to help then I will be more than happy too. I have delivered pups before." Sensei, her medic instructor, had allowed her to view it many times and she has delivered someones pups two times. She did it perfect each time though, at least according to Sensei.

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