M - Knight in shining armour
He gave her a soft smile as he pulled the lead of Fuerte’s and brought him to her. The horse had settled a bit but the fear was wide in his eyes. Charlemagne just simply stood there in his normal uncaring stance. Nothing seemed to bother that horse, plus Saluce never had to be stern with him either. Again it was a mutual relationship. Finally he gave her the lead to the horse.
“Firstly he should be your partner and friend. I am neither of them; he behaves my commands because I frighten him. You must be firm but have his interest at heart as well” Charlemange seemed to pipe up a bit while Saluce spoke, walking to the frightened horses side, almost as if translating, but Saluce didn’t know nor did he care much. “He’s young, and he wants to run. Maybe you should take him out on long runs, let him feel free while he bonds with you. I bonded with Charlemagne because I saved him from death. You will bond with your horse by doing things he wants to do in order for him to do things you want to do”. It was all bloody boring really. He continued onward, turning his head to see if she was still listening.

All the horse talk had for the moment lessoned the tension between them. He was almost glad but all it took was that smile and a breeze to bring her heavenly scent to his nostrils to awake more primal feelings within him. A man of two worlds he was, civilized but still very much in touch with his baser instincts. Thoughts of having this young filly on all fours flooded his mind but he forced them back at least to keep himself from drawing attention elsewhere. Finally the temptation was too much, he had to know how soft that fur was.

A hand reached over to brush a hand across her cheek “You are too beautiful to be wandering around alone without a stunning young wolf following your every move”

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