Finding no one
I'm trying Dx;

Their previous leader had stepped down? Who was it? Was it the leader during the war? Silvano could not remember if he was around yet when the war with Dahlia versus Inferni had been going on. He did not recall too well if it had or if it had ended by the time he had been born. Regardless, the two packs had not liked each other much, but Crimson Dreams did not seem to have sided with either. Though it was a safe bet they would have sided with Dahlia, just because Inferni's hatred toward wolves. Point aside, the Sadira wondered who the new one was, but doubted the name would ring even a tiny bell in his head.

But the woman was trying to be helpful and he could not fault her for that. "Yeah, maybe." He was a little doubtful though. He had hoped he had made some kind of impression on Shiloh, but maybe not. Silvano was not the best with people in general; he was only comfortable with his family since few outsiders had become close to him. It was a little discouraging, but what did he expect? He stuck around the library or in the territory alone and expected friends to come calling?

She introduced herself and the Sadira smiled at her, trying to be even a little bit hopeful. But his pessimistic nature was hard to fight, so he offered her a kind smile merely at her kindness, not at his assurance of finding Shiloh. "Thank you, that might be a good idea." Alae wanted to know about Crimson Dreams? What was there to tell?

As they walked, Silvano thought briefly. "Well.. we're mostly family. My older siblings, my litter mates, my cousins. Then a couple of people that chose to join us Dreamers. Though it's still mostly family. Like we have two litters from my aunt and uncle, us two litters from my parents, and then I think my other uncle's kids might have been here too at some point." He paused, green eyes checked out the scenery around him. It was hardly different than home but it still had that foreign feel about it, like going from one state to another. "It's very pretty here," he added off-hand, hoping she'd take the light hint to talk about Dahlia as he had about Crimson Dreams.

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