Golden Feathers


Saxif had been wandering the grounds freely for a while that day. The young cream lupreci wanted to see everything her new pack had to offer. Her ear perked suddenly. She only just learned what that noise was on the day of her arrival. The creatures known as horses. The cream wolf followed the noise with a cautious step. Another noise became apparent, it was like a scrape and swish. When they came into sight she was mesmerized by what she saw. A large lupreci was using a tool she had not yet seen. She leaned against a fence behind the black maned wolf. His shoulders shifting with great strength as he scooped dry grass from the horse's homes. She looked over at the beautiful black horse that neighed in soft tones. She wanted to offer her help but the man was almost done it seemed to her. So she stood there observing his movement so she would know how to use the item he possessed.

The one thing that always amazed her about these lands was the diversity in breeds. She had been so use to seeing the pale grey and white colored wolves of her home it was almost unnerving. Every new breed she met here often offered their own distinct attributes. The size of this one was her first observation, he made her feel dwarfed. His coloring was the next, she had yet to see a wolf so nicely colored with such rich colors.
She glanced back at the horse who had noticed her presence. It looked at the large wolf, let out a snort and proceeded to eat. Saxif felt it was probably a good moment to announce herself."What's its name? Its quite beautiful." She pushes off the fence and walks toward the tall lupreci her snout about the height of his chest. She looked up at him with her golden eyes, curiousness glistening within them.

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