Sweet child of mine.
The whole day was quickly turning into a horrible nightmare, what had started as her only wanting to visit Matteo after he had been nice to her had turned into a stand down between two males over her and with her stuck in the middle of it all. She didn't want this, hadn't wanted this and wished it would just all go away and not be such an ugly issue, she sighed as Alaki gave her a horrid looking glare as he turned to leave. She had been right, anger for her had twisted into anger against her and she knew she would never be safe around Alaki, not that she had ever been safe around him to begin with, nevertheless at the look her lips curled ever so slightly from her teeth to show what she thought of his glare.

As the white coydog stormed past her she sighed again and moved to stand next to the bed, Carissa looking up at her and making a scared chattering noise, she placed a petite hand upon the small creature's head and petted it gently, whispering to the baby raccoon gently,

"It's okay baby, they're just solving out their differences." Within the frightened demeanor of the shaking kid she saw herself deep inside, terrified by the entire situation and wanting to escape. An almost silent whimper came from her mouth, she couldn't escape however as the two arguing males were blocking the only exit

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