M-Usupers and Villians
The ache in her ribs was still present, even if she had done all she could to make sure they healed well she still supposed it would take a lot longer. Demi had come to terms with the attack after a while. She was stronger than she realized as she looked back upon the events that transpired. The attack had awoken something in her, and the scars that now adorned her once pristine body reminded her of the fear, but also reminded her of something else seeping to the surface. She was ready to learn how to defend herself, Teddy had been there to save her but even he couldn’t be with her all the time. No she’d have to learn.

All that had taken a back seat for now, other duties required her time, and in the back of her head she knew that she would have to make a choice about Teddy soon. They had expressed their love for each other but something else was coming soon and she knew it. The time of year when she normally withdrew from contact with any male, and suffered the week long desires her body was being withheld from. Soon even Teddy would know what time of the year it would be for her. It was something she was dreading, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be a mother, nor was she sure he was ready either.

Finally she was finished collecting her items. It was his voice that greeted her at the door. She guessed her mood may have been due to the coming heat she would come into in a few weeks but his voice reflected the knowledge of her mood. Demi slowly walked out of the door to greet him, walked right into him, and wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her head into his chest. Comfort resided there for her, nose inhaling his scent, and ears listening to his breathing. With anyone else they would have been met with a sharp insult or stare as she walked out of the cave but he was so much more to her now.
“I’m fine love, just mad about those who left the pack.” And that was simply the reason. She didn’t like wholesale abandonment that was something she hated. But today she needed to do other things then feel sorry for herself, or for play time with Teddy. Maybe he’d like to help her, since he was so willing to help her on the trip to Halifax.

“I was just about to start planting my Herb Garden, do you want to help?” she asked, skipping the pleasantries because she was more of a show rather than speak anyway. Her quick embrace spoke exactly her feelings for this male better than any word may have.

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