Something To Tell
"Sorry Aylar... I know for next time." He smiled a little sheepishly and looked up at her again. He was glad that Io was not really mad at him. She just seemed to be a little worried.. well a lot worried. He understood that she would though, after all she was his mother. The conversation turned to them moving and Aslan listned intently. A few more months? That would be perfect! Maybe he could make some friends and could come back and visit Inferni! The thought quickly dampened though. He remembered when he officialy became a part of Inferni. The leader wasn't very nice and didn't seem to like Aylar very much. No way would she allow us to visit. Oh well, he would just play with his brother.

Aylar went to a tree and sat down. She told him to go over there and he nodded his head. She said be gentle and he blushed. He knew he shouldn't have run around her in circles like that. "Evet Aylar. Yes.." He went over to her and sat beside her.. "Aylar, can you tell me more about yourself?" He wanted to know more about his mother. He didn't know much and her life before he joined it interested him. He would understand if she said no, but it was a question worth asking.

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