[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 397 words

The boy was out and quite simply enjoying the day. He was slowly getting out more and more to explore the nearby areas. After all he wanted to get comfortable with the areas that were close by before traveling out too far away. He was entirely new to the area and so he didn't have the experiences that the other pack members did. By the time that he had gotten here he had gotten recruited and established within a forming pack. He didn't have the time to be a true loner and just amble around before he had a place to call home. No, he had the home and now he needed to do the wandering and exploring aspect.

He walked through the Drifter Bay area, leaving Salsola behind him. He also left the scent with it, bathing himself in flowers to mask the pack's scent. He wasn't certain where he was going, but then again how could he when he had no idea what was around him. All he knew was that he was walking and exploring. It was during that exploration period that he came across flowers that grew taller than him. He was already used to practically everyone being taller than him and now the flowers had him beat too. Or maybe it was only distance that made them seem so tall.

This thought made him feel the least bit hopeful. Certainly a bunch of flowers couldn't have grown taller than him, could they? And it would turn out that they could and did. He made his way through the towering stalks, tilting his head up to peer at the unopened buds of the flowers. Just like a child his eyes lit up with wonderment as he reached an arm over his head to try and touch one of the closed flowers. He would have to tell Janos about this. Or better yet... The small, feminine appearing male wrapped both of his hands around the stem of one of the giant flowers and tugged on it. But to his surprise it didn't come out of the ground as easily as he figured that it should. If he couldn't even get it out of the ground then how was he supposed to show it to Janos? But he didn't give up that easily and kept on tugging, determined to bring it back to his puppy.


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