If you want to be happy
Amaranth watched her son carefully as he ran around on the sand. the boy was just about two months old and that meant that she would soon have to let him go and play with out her constant eyes watching him. Jiva was her son and she would not have him hurt she would be there to protect him and be there through the changes he would someday go through.

"Look mama, look" jiva said as he looked at the silver thing running down the beach. "Jiva come here please get over here" Her tone slightly panicked as she waved her hand calling him close to her. She couldn't tell who or what it was that was running at them. though she could tell that it was a luperci the scent was not one that she knew.

Jiva coming to her side made her feel better because she could protect him better from next to him. The world was to cruel and she knew it. Watching the figure come closer she relaxed a bit. She could smell the pack on her and that at least meant she was on of the members here. "Hello there" Amaranth called as she waved her hand high in the air.

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