A New Horizon
Gender: Dog

Age: 15 months

Preferred Rank: Beginner

A Secondary Form of Contact: AIM: xDARTHxLEMONx

Currently Played Characters: Soribus Mihael

Initial Post:

Soribus had been wandering for who-knows-how-long, pussyfooting around most of the established packs and merely getting a feel for the land. It was cold, yes, but at least with the summer the air was warming up. Not that it much mattered, he was built for weather like this. He traveled as a canine, on all fours, moving through the trees without any real direction, but at least he seemed to know where he was going. However, at the scent of another pack he paused, rather than passing it up as he did the others. This one was... fresher, in a way, more inviting somehow. He sniffed at the massive tree at the border and closed his eyes for a moment, large ears pricking forward just slightly and... yes. He had grown a bit tired of walking, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to stop here. He sat and yawned, eyes roving over the carvings on the tree. They were ornate, meaningless little things that all seemed to flow together and almost seemed to be a part of the tree itself. One almost flowed into another, and he could tell the different pressures from different creatures who had carved them. He found himself entranced before long, only partially keeping his wits about him lest someone come towards him at the border. Just because he was relaxed now didn't mean that he didn't have manners, of course. He'd still tuck tail to whatever leader showed up to meet him, or any wolf, as a matter of fact.

Cercatori d'Arte the tree read, like a proud proclamation to the world beyond the borders. Soribus' tail quivered a little in a weak wag, almost excited to begin a life here if he could. Of course, that depended on the decision of whatever leader came to judge his worthiness, but he was confident he could manage to get in. His eyes went back over those carvings and he almost wanted to be able to reach a hand out to touch them, but... ah, that would seem awfully pushy, wouldn't it? And he wouldn't want someone to catch him in the middle of transforming, it'd be awfully rude. And so Soribus just sat, just waited, just prepared and admired the tree and the sounds of the birds. He was confident he wouldn't be left waiting long.[/html]

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