Dog and dog

Today, the sun had failed to emerge. Caspa detested days such as this, where the cold and damp got under her long fur and made it cling to her wiry frame. You couldn't particularly tell underneath the sweep of leather that she shrouded her frame in, but the disgruntled frown on her face was unmistakeably a sign of discomfort. Walking helped, it got the blood moving and her circulation warmer. She was skirting the borders of her territory, hoping to come across somebody else doing the same. The dog-wolf mixture was feeling rather alone lately. She missed the company of that other dog-wolf she'd met, who had been similar to her in some ways, and shared a few of her civilised tastes. Where he'd wandered off to, she didn't know. The pack wasn't held together by many common bonds, or if it was, Caspa supposed she must be outside of them. In some ways, the independence suited her, but when the hours dragged, she yearned for somebody to distract her from her own inner world.

A sharp voice cut through the fog, doing just that. She was amused by the challenging quality of the voice, as if she were a trespasser, but she could tell by the pack-scent coming from the direction of the small building that they were of the same origin. She lifted her head as she looked over towards the dog, noting his small stature with interest. She answered his loud demand with a laconic "Nobody at all. Who wants to know?"


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