Dog and dog

He paused for a few moments to study all of the items that he had left on his floor in an observant and even curious manner. His eyes rolled from books, to bottles, to foods, a few knives, and even bras... His ADHD was starting to get in his way once again. His disorder always snook up on him when he wanted it the least. He closed his eyes and heaved a small sigh, trying to remember what the girl had said.

The muscular terrier rubbed his forehead, feeling exhausted from all his thinking and he sluggishly replied back, "Uh... Sorry 'bout that... Well, girl, I really don't know. I kinda like this place though, just gotta see how things go, y'know?" and then, without even hesitating, he threw the empty wine bottle into a pile of shards he had nearby and got out another bottle that looked almost identical to the other except for the fact the other one was shattered completely into many pieces.

Mysterious pulled his lips up into a snarling-like gesture and bit onto the old cork, he pulled out the cork so quickly that it was obvious he'd been doing this most of his life. He poured more of the delicious liquid into Caspa's glass and paused a moment before pouring some into his own. "Might as well, now tell me girl, tell me somethin' let's not bore ourselves any longer with my stories, 'cuz I wanna hear 'bout you!" He did, and he was excited to hear her reply.



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