Underlined Links?
Edit: EEP, shadowposted! Hope it's of any use regardless Smile

I don't see any underlined links in that post, not hovering, not normal, not visited :/

You may already know this, but in case anyone else are interested as well:

If you want to ensure your links are only underlined when hovered over (for example), add this code to fix it:

#TABLEID a {text-decoration:none;}
#TABLEID a:hover {text-decoration:underline;}

I assume you are using mostly CSS tables, in which case the code should be added with the rest of the CSS stuffs. the TABLEID should of course be the id of the rest of the CSS stuffs.

If some of your tables are not CSS tables, make sure you give a unique id="some name" to the main div, and add the above inside <style type="text/css"></style> tags either before or after the table code.

Hope that helps you! Smile

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