[M] - There is a time when the circle must close
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Once again the black monster was on the move; he played by his own rules and led the books in his own game. The game was to do anything and everything that he could do to make Jefferson Soul mad, and hurt him. Lucifer had raped just about every female that followed him, The monster took his hand rubbing his chest and his other hand held his male part as he marked a tree, one that he would kill his first female from, he would hang her from the tree. He found these games a blast, because he knew that as long as he covered his ass, and the female knew to keep their mouths shut that Jefferson wouldn’t come after him, but that game was getting boring. He wanted Jefferson to catch him, he wanted to him to watch him take a female, take away her pride, her hope. Then he wanted Jefferson the hard ass watch him kill that female with nothing more than one fluid move.

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