M - running up that road
They both saw this situation so differently. She didn’t think it would change him, but he knew it would: it would change or maybe even break him. He knew who he was, but this was the final straw. If he kept sleeping with women, would that turn him straight? He didn’t want to be straight. It just wasn’t who he was. He didn’t want her to change him.

He wouldn’t ever be able to look at Gabriel again. This kind of broken lineage would only shame Inferni when Gabriel deserved greatness. Inferni did not deserve greatness: no, Hybrid didn’t care what happened to this mottled clan of hybrids. All he wanted was Gabriel to achieve his true reign as monarch wherever it was and however he did it.

But she would do whatever he asked.

A thought, unbidden, sprang forth; before he could stop himself, he was already speaking.

“I want Ezekiel dead. Gabriel is the rightful ruler. I want you to kill your brother. Then I will give you what I want and I will see Gabriel as the true Aquila. If he deserves a family, he deserves to lead, too.”

The taste of treason was a wonderful thing. But this was all for Gabriel. But this was all for Gabriel. It could not be treason if the only thing he felt was elation. He wanted Ezekiel gone, dead, buried, or burned. It was perfect.

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