M-There's no sense in running
sorry for failness XD 3+

The woman sat on the floor before her looked as though her brain was currently living on a whole other planet than the one Jace was on, especially when she turned and began talking to the tree she was resting against. Jace took the bowl from her on instinct, the female's insistence that she take it only served to heighten her curiosity further. She sniffed at the bowl and the resulting sensations caused her to sneeze violently and almost drop the bowl, ending in a scramble of claws for her to grab hold of it firmly again. Again her attention was pulled to the strange actions of the females and she sniggered into her hand as the black and white woman began to drool on herself. Fumes of the drug soup must have been in the air as she found herself wishing to join in on this fun more and more the longer she stayed.

She sat herself down upon command and as though already intoxicated by Axelle's actions and words voluntarily drank the rest of the drug soup within the bowl. Her lurching movements were amusing to Jace and she laughed as her new friend tried to put her stuff away and then began screaming at her hand. All at once a crushing headache decended down upon her and she grabbed her head and howled with the pain of it, she looked up at the woman with scorn in her eyes, clearly this stuff had been tampered with and started to growl angrily before the drugs began to take full effect. Her angry snarl melted away as her pupils expanded in size to conceal almost all of the rest of her eyes. She flopped about uselessly and giggled every now again, marveling at how soft her fur felt when she stroked it, Jace swayed back and forth although to her it seemed she was moving really slowly.

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