In a forest
Raymo felt a bit threatened by Optime. That stands before him he was a lot biger than him. And then with a spear in his claws but he had something friendly that calmed him a bit down. With a peaceful look on Raymos face. Raymo looked at the spear, it was handmade. It had little designs throughout the handle of the spear and a Sharp and deadly stone tip. The unknown then turned to him and a smile spread on his face and he apologized. for the fact he had woke him up, Raymo grin at hem and said. ‘It’s oke. I am glad you did, else i have waste a nice day.’

And he took a less threatening position, and admitted that he was not very patient with wood. Raymo friendly nodded and smiled and with a grin he said. ’Nice weather for a nap, is not it?’ Raymo glanced at the sky for a moment, and nodded in agreement it was. "Yes it is the weather is nice and the temperature is bearable." Raymo Said with a smile. "Any luck with the fish?" And turned his gaze on the water and the waterfalls for a short moment, then Raymo turned his gaze back to the stranger in front of him

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