I close the blinds and turn away..

I'm going away for a week tomorrow so I'm gonna tie this up right now. I guess you should request a thread from a packmate where she asks. Smile

Because speaking in words was not working out for the two very well, Beppe was highly observant of the other's body language. When she replied in English he realized that, even if they had taken a detour, they had gotten somewhere. "I think so, perhaps," he replied, though he wasn't sure what his mother could do for her. There were ways to be changed into one of the two legged beasts; he knew this because sometimes there were born wolves that could not change, and in order to fit in they had to be treated. He had only heard rumors of how, or at least the more vulgar ones, and tried with difficulty to not think of how his mother could do it. There was, certainly, more than one way.

Surely his parents, and his packmates as well, would know better than he did. "Why don't you come in and stay for a talk, I am sure one of my friends will know the answer for your question." He smiled a little, rolling back on his heels and standing up. One in were form and one in wolf form always seemed a little awkward, but it was a short distance back to the houses, where someone would be able to enlighten the guest. "I am Beppe, by the way." The girl seemed a little shaken up, as well as confused; perhaps she needed a place to stay. Beppe was sure that the wolves of Insieme could offer at least that.


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