[m]Die Dead Enough
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

OOC: ugh, whoever. +5

There's a stain on my hand and it's red! Oh my god, am I losing it?!
I can't help what I've done or I've said, It's the button I push!

Boredom had set into the man's body, as did an unsettle feeling in his stomach. It had caused the man to go out of his domain of the Mansion to find something to do. Maybe a change of scenery or something would help him become unbored and perhaps he would stop being so worthless and do something to benefit the clan in some way, since it had seemed that the clan had been rather uninterested in art and body modifications. It was either they lost interest or that nobody he had worked on cared enough to talk about where they had gotten such beautiful pieces done and what they could do to get one. Hell, even Euphoria had been uninterested in getting a tattoo or a piercing (yeah, he noticed that she didn't care for one, he was not as stupid as he looked; though he was pretty stupid) which had made him feel like he was uncool now. Actually he was never really cool to begin with, so it made no sense for him to all of a sudden feel so down about himself, but today he had just been especially hard on himself for seemingly no reason other than he was incredibly bored and he could easily think bad about himself without much effort.

He walked on, by himself, surprisingly since there almost always was a stallion at his back, following him if Cotl had not been riding on the beast. Maschine had been off and Cotl had failed to let the stallion hear or see him before he ran off away from the Mansion. He went deep within the new territory of Inferni, even having to wade across the river Acheron to get to the other side of the packlands because there was no way in hell he was going around the stupid river. He happened to be tall enough to just walk across, though he did need to put his bag above his head to keep it from getting wet because he was short enough for the water to come up to the middle of his chest at the deepest part of it at the part of the river that he decided to wade across. Cotl made it across successfully though and he had shaken his fur as dry as he could get it before continuing on his way, the sound of cawing ravens the only real sound that was being made other than the occasional -FUCKINGDICKWADSHITFACEBASTARDCUNT- or simple -NYEH- that would come from the man's maw and echo in the air.

His final destination he would end up was at Folly Lake, where there was a peaceful air around the place, and the afternoon had started to grow old, the night soon to come over the land within another hour or two. Once he would find a suitable place to take a seat, he had done so in front of a large tree that was almost perfect for sitting at the roots, and he was lucky because there weren't any ants that made their home there. He would have been in trouble if there was and he didn't realize and he just sat his ass down. He looked in his bag and found his sketchbook and his pencil that had barely been working for him anymore. It'd been time to try and find some new pencils but Cotl had been lazy about doing it, and it was rather frustrating at times for him so he often would just forget about it. As he sat there, he started to sketch what he saw on the beautiful Folly Lake.

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