J/ Clearing in the dark
Big GrinDHow curious! o:

Big GrinD She greeted his glance with a quick nod, glad he decided to raise his head for a moment. Although common courtesy was expected by lone wolves - especially when seeking acceptance - she did prefer to see a wolf's eyes when she was speaking with them. Although gazing directly into another's eyes often would provoke them, she found that some wolves could be read by the flashes in their eyes. She had read something regarding reading people by their 'body language' and their eyes in a human book, and had reflected how animals tended to do this naturally. It had amused her how humans felt the compulsion to record the obvious.
Big GrinD She frowned slightly as the male shivered, wondering if he was really looking at her, or looking right through her. For a moment, his eyes glazed over as he lost himself in his own thoughts, but he recovered quickly enough. She snorted quietly at the male's words, amused that he would go to say he would do anything to be accepted into the pack. She shook her head, smiling to herself. "I should hope that no one would ever take advantage of those words. Anything is a lot to promise," she replied quietly. "In any case, what could you offer to the pack?" All wolves she had met could hunt, and it came as an instinct to some and a learned behaviour to others. To survive, one had to kill: it was the simplest truth that existed. Of course, some wolves had many other skills, whether it be the ability to tell a fascinating tale, to build things with their Optime hands, or to inspire those around them, everyone had some sort of talent.

Table by Mel!

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