Not sure if I can trust again
I really like this thread Smile / Word Count: 566 (5 points)

As the two wolves moved along with Rain, Songan began to wonder what other members of the tribe Amaterasu had met up with. He was sure there were some members she had met that he hadn’t, yet he still questioned why the other members didn’t offer a place like he did. He shook his head gently as he looked back to the white wolf who was now laying on his chest and relaxing. He was glad to see that he was not making her feel uncomfortable and not scared about the way he was keeping her safe on Rain. She began to speak saying that it was alright and that it was pretty nice to be riding and looking around from a bit of an overview. It was nice to hear her using such a soft and relaxed tone as they continued along. He smiled as he nodded and kept his eyes forward so he knew where he was going.

After Songan’s first trip back to his home to drop off the firewood and starting it, he turned back to the woods and sniffed around for some prey. With his bow not done yet, it was going to be a bit of a challenge for him to catch some prey easily. He moved along as quietly as he could, keeping his golden gaze out for any sort of prey. He would not be able to take down anything really big, but he was sure he could find maybe a rabbit or bird that he would be able to get with his old body and knife. The rust wolf continued and Liluye flew in front of him, landing on a nearby branch. It was always nice to see her around, especially in the moments when she wanted him to follow her. She seemed to always bring him some good luck. He began to follow the kestrel as she took to flight and began to lead him through the woods. He stopped as she did and noticed a couple of hares. He stayed hidden as he held the knife by its sharp end. He carefully flung it at one hare, making a hit as the other ran away. He was not surprised by this. He came to the body and picked it up, making his way back to his home.

He came back into his home and noticed Amaterasu curled up on the pelts. He gave her a warm smile as he sat down and took his knife out of the hare. He would need to clean the rabbit before cooking it. The red wolf took his knife and began to cut off the pelt of the hare. Perhaps he would be able to find some use for this in his next projects. Once he was done, he set the meat down. He hung the pelts up so that the blood off them would dry and he would be able to clean it better later. He took a moment to get out of the tent and went to the creek to clean his knife and hands. He put the knife back in its holster and then went back in. He took the meat and handed it over to the she wolf. "Here Amaterasu. There’s not a whole lot of meat here. Why don’t you have it? I’ll be fine without some food for the night."


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