M - take my heart out

OOC: That was a curveball on this side too. Cotl is thoroughly stunned. +5(823)

Don't take your eyes off the trigger
I'm not to blame if your world turns to black

Talitha explained to him that Myron had given hers to her, and that she just wanted to see what they were all about. Cotl's hand went to touch her ear that held the piercing in it to see how well it had healed, and to his skilled eye, he could tell that it was well taken care of, and obviously not neglected when it was healing. The smell that came from the ring that she had was of rotten flesh though, meaning that she should probably take her ring out and maybe wash it with some type of soap. He did not tell her this only because it was not very important because he too had smelly gauges in his ears so he would be a hypocrite for pointing it out. His hands then went to her curls, and he still was silent, him finding no words to speak yet. Her own displays of affection would cause the man to push his head into her hands, for the feel of her combing through his hair felt good to him. The man let a satisfied growl emerge from his maw, before the woman would continue to speak. The words that she spoke to him completely threw him off, and it knocked the devious smile off of his face rather quickly, and his rust and coal head tilted to the right, and his pierced brow cocked. He was about to speak to her when she had continued to explain that she did not only want sex from him now, but an actual relationship. He was taken back by this all, he always thought that he would be the one asking the woman for her hand in monogamy. The fact that she had been the one to lay it on the table like this actually frightened the German. He simply looked at her for this moment, and she pushed her nose to his. He did not pull away, but he did not speak. He was stunned emotionally, and almost physically. The confused look still sat there on the German's face. He twitched violently, his neck twitching to the right a did his shoulder. The twitch made his hand that was touching her side actually pull away, and his eyes and nose broke contact with hers. A NYEH came from his throat as well. He thanked his syndrome for once in his life, because it had gotten him to where he could think straight.

Cotl looked back at the woman slowly, his eyes going back and locking with her own. He was drunk, and he knew that he could not make this decision unless he had a sober mind. He had affection for the woman, she had been there for him more than once, but they did not think alike at all, which was what threw him off of his high horse every time. She was different than he, and he didn't know if he could change for her, or if she could change for him. Cotl also knew nothing about being a mate to anyone. He'd never had one before and didn't know how demanding they were. The man swallowed the extra saliva that pooled in his maw and he took a deep breath. Das ein big decisions Talitha... the man spoke, trying to find a way around it. Talitha, Ich loves du, don't gets mich wrongs... the man chose his words carefully, his cloudy head having a hard time even saying what he was saying. Mein head ist fuzzy. -FUCKSHITTITTIES-Kann du ask mich agains vhen Ich ist nicht drunks? the man asked, looking the woman in the eye, and hoping that she would not take this as a no, but a "come back when i can actually make this decision and not fuck up". He pushed his nose to hers this time, hoping that she would not take offense. She was a beautiful Infernian princess, and if he had the right mind, then he would say yes right then and there, but the thoughts of the loves he had before this had crossed a drunken mind, and made everything so dark and cloudy that he couldn't see where to go anymore. He needed to see clearly for this decision. He wanted Talitha, all of her, but there were others that he wanted in the same way, and it was hard for him to say who he wanted to pursue. Talitha was rivaled by her cousin, and another member of the clan. If the man was allowed to be polygamous, then he would take all of their hands in mateship.

The man made sure to look her in the eye, made sure to try not to fuck this up. He didn't want to break her heart. He honestly didn't know that she still had one, but since she had been asking him for mateship, he could only assume that she still had one, cold shriveled ventricle left.

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