Cour des Miracles Residency Survey
Where: Can't tell if its Shiloh Hills or Shattered Coast O.o: Training Grounds, located North of the stables, across the stream approx. 100 yards
Type: Log Cabin
Residents: Anann
Other: There are several trees in the area of the cabin providing plenty of shade. The training grounds are located in a sizable clearing behind (northwest of) the cabin. The cabin itself is of log construction with a thatched roof and dirt floor. Much of the floor is covered in tanned hides as rugs. It has a clay brick fireplace and chimney. It has few furnishings, namely a large wooden work table and a very large bed made of an arrangement of mattress strapped together and covered in leather and furs. Under the table are 6 large leather bags the contain the majority of Anann's possessions and tools. Anann also has three large clay vats down by the stream used in soaking skins for tanning.

Keese's residence is unknown/random/ever changing xD

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