teach me to dance

Out of character: sry for the lateness.

In Character

Red turned sharply as he heard an approach from behind, but he didn’t run anywhere. At least, not yet. He pulled out the dagger from his pouch and waited, though he didn’t have long. ”Maldición God!” The wolf exclaimed as a giant came forth from the brush. He wasn’t exaggerating either. The Luperci before him was massive, and well muscled. Red Sol crouched and held his dagger at the ready, though he was pretty sure that his little knife wouldn’t do anything at all.

”Tomadas? Yo no recall this territorio being tomador.” He backed up slightly, trying to stay far enough away from the other wolf so that he could still use his dagger as a throwing weapon. There was no way that he could defend himself against this wolf if he got in close. He puffed up his fur and laid back his ears, though didn’t do anything like snarling. The other male could no doubt smell that he was afraid, and that he was part coyote. Of course, Red didn’t see anything wrong with being a coyote, as he didn’t know about the big deal involving the wolf-hating Inferni. ”Tú back, stay!”


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