teach me to dance

Move made =P

The mutt remained standing where he had been, frozen in position, possibly a mixture of fear and defiance or pride, conflicting commands sent to his body both to run and to stand resolute. Still, the bronze wolf had given him fair warning, and had given his word that not running or disarming would mean violence. So, it would. The intruder didn't seem like he necessarily wanted a fight--who could blame him, he barely came up to Skoll's chest in height--but he didn't want to give ground and leave Shadowed Sun lands either. Compromise, then. Skoll's right hand passed up the handle of his most brutal weapon, the lumber axe, and dug deeper into his pack, withdrawing the long dagger that he'd won from the female cultist two Septembers ago, the one he'd liberated from his own chest once upon a time.

He didn't over-extend himself when he made his move. There was no exaggerated leap to mark the beginning of the fight. He simply readied his shield and adjusted his grip on the knife, and closed at a brisk walk. Depending on the experience of this opponent, he might have been able to make due with no battle-gear at all, but it was impossible to tell how fast or talented he was with a blade. It was better not to take the risk, and it was easier to defend unarmed than to attack a defensive knife-user anyway. Leading with his shield arm, he held the knife slightly back at his right. When the younger wolf attacked, he would intercept or at least deflect or redirect it with his shield, and come in with his right hand.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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