teach me to dance

Nah, we'll leave everybody unharmed for now =P

Skoll rose his shield as the diminutive wolf began his throw, and released the blade. As the steel sailed over his head, the warrior pressed forward, but slowed down as he began reading the smaller canine's reactions. He was frightened, running frantically, full of scared energy as he darted with impressive speed around their makeshift battle ground...if it could be called that, given this sad display. Following him closely, Skoll drove him up a tree. Though neither of them had been touched, the battle was over. Skoll sighed.

"What are you doing here?" He called the short distance up the tree, pulling the intruder's knife out of the tree and putting it in his bag for the time being. "This is claimed territory, you have no right to be here. What's your business?!" He growled up, more irritated than full out angry. The throw had been a bad one, but he'd still intended to do harm to Skoll within his own home. He wasn't slow, if he'd been angry or continued under the impression that this hybrid might have been from Inferni, he could have damaged him severely. Still, it was hard to see the running around he just had and to feel threatened. Not to mention the immense size difference.

"You don't have to come down yet if you don't want to, but I want to hear what you came here for." His hackles were falling back in place as he stood there, looking up awkwardly, talking to a tree.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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