teach me to dance

Good thing, he notice this?

Red nodded, and moved the dagger closer to his body. He glanced at Skoll, his ears dropping slightly at his disapproving tone in Skoll’s voice and the shake of the larger wolf’s head. The young hybrid was determined to get this right. He corrected his hand to what Skoll had said was correct, placing it so his strength was behind the blade. His hazel eyes watched closely as Skoll stabbed at the air.

He nodded at the male’s question. It was good that he knew both words for most body parts, though he knew more English ones for things like fingers and toes. Red got the idea of what he was being told. He was to aim for between the ribs. Okay, that seemed easy enough for him to do seeing as his eyes already could focus and aim at small places like that.

As the male pointed to his stomach Red muttered ”Estomago,” under his breath. His eyes followed the knife that flashed through the air at some imaginary opponent. They widened slightly at the dragging motion. He didn’t know exactly what was happening to this invisible canine, but it looked painful and fatal. Red stared up at Skoll, a slightly shocked expression growing on his face as the bronze wolf listed off the death strokes. The young male shuddered slightly at the very thought of killing someone else; he could see with prey animals, he had to, just to live, but to kill another being that could think and was like you. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply as a wave of nausea hit him and he lost his footing slightly, dropping his knife. Luckily it missed his feet and stuck into the ground with a soft thud.


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