Xoloitzcuintli character
The majority of the Kimaris family in Eterne aren't serious religious people, though, so they could go either way. Tlantli, being female, holds more religious practice than Miqui or Imacai. Also, she's selective about her wolf dislike. Example: she loves Eris to death, as well as Salvia, but thinks Larkspur is a massive idiot and shuns him and his practices. So Eterne opens a vast world of possibilities as far as likes and dislikes.

And yeah. She's not a slave yet. I'm writing up a post for if we want to enslave her, though. >.> Tlantli gets angry because Xochime won't permanently remove her nosering. Sentimental value? More like a one way ticket to Tlantli Kimaris' rage.

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