Fugitive Run [j][aw]
mall-caps;text-variantConfusedmall-caps;">IT'S ONLY cript;">FOREVER, NOT LONG AT ALL

Talitha grimaced as the girl lowered her head, cocking it to the side to stare past into the lands of the coyotes, but she appreciated someone who could speak quickly an intelligently. The fact that this woman was quiet off-set even that, however. The de le Poer bristled, fingers tapping ever still upon the white and painted surface of some poor soul's skull. As Cotl dealt with this 'Giza', however, the Aquila's sister remained silent. Her abrasive personality was well known by those within the clan, and even some faces outside of it, and her silence always precluded her brash and hateful words. The woman's uncle spoke on their family, how Sascha and Izaak and Marik were there, but how Izaak was deceased. Oh, he was deceased indeed, kept on Cotl's dresser in plain view of those who ventured into Ende.

And then it was her turn.

The Imaginifer turned to look at the princess and she took her moment to interrogate and belittle. It was her gift, after all. "It is not his clan. Your father ranks low in our world, and you'll do well to realize now that those who lead us are far from what he is." Of course, she did not think little of Marik; in fact, Talitha found him amusing. This girl, of course, remained to be seen. "What can you offer us that we don't have already, girl?" The proud de le Poer rose to her full height, standing the tallest in the group by several full inches, as she waited for an explanation; it was a common question, one she expected all those she met to answer before allowing them a place in the coyote world. Inappropriate answers received reprimand, and those she liked gave access into a distant group of families.

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