there in your dreams
She sat there frozen when his voice lifted in laughter, his only reply to her thoughts on Laruku. She felt the creepy touch along her spine, icy cold fingers that left chills down her back as his voice echoed across the woodlands. The sound seemed to go on forever and ever as she stood there not knowing what to do. There was no response to the laughter that had almost seemed insane.. but with time it died away and with the last breath she was left still with no insight on this joke, making her wonder if she should worry more for Laruku dispite what they said.

When Ahren spoke again she didn't answer at first, there was really nothing to say but a nod in agreement. After a few moments of silence between them she raised her head at his suggestion. She just nodded once more and looked away, wondering just what had happened. She wasn't sure she wanted to know but she couldn't help but wonder just the same. Looking back up at Ahren she gave him a slight smile as she agreed. "Yeah.. I'd better get back.. She began to turn away to leave, looking off in the distance that she had to travel. Shaking her head she snuck one last look over her shoulder at the ghost from her past before sighing and moving on.

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