He was eating just fine, letting things that had been going on the last few days just be what they were. He was still recovering from several fights he had had the past few weeks, the most recent still boring a hole in him, unfinished work always irritated him. Today though his companion only ate a few bites before sitting back to watch him eat. It made him self-conscious, his eyes moved away from the kill to hers wondering why she hadn’t continued. After all he didn’t want to be considered rude if she felt she had to relinquish most of the kill to him.

Then her words floated to his ears, change? No he hadn’t really felt it, he had been to absorbed with his own duties to notice much on what his leaders duties did. Change, he already didn’t like it, his head lifted from the carcass looking over the female with a judgmental gaze. What was she thinking, he hoped it didn’t mean he’d have to do some terribly boring task in the name of diplomacy. But for now he just stood there looking over at her perplexed. What was it she meant?

“No” he said flatly, and honestly he had no idea.

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