[ldr]The situations are irrelevant now [j]

Hola :o

Word Count → 338

The Consul had heard the first howl, but she had been wrapped up in one of her books of Roman history and figured that one of the other members could attend to whomever had come to their borders. When she had first started to read through these books she had focused mostly on the aspects of government and social society and simply gazed over anything military. The Marino was a peaceful woman and so was the pack that she lead; they had no need for martial knowledge. However, some of the stories of Roman military exploits were quite interesting she had come to find out. Such as their fight with this Hannibal person, a man from Carthage. He had taken elephants and his whole army over the mountains that protected Italy from the rest of the continent and had wrecked havoc upon the Romans who had not been wise enough to think him a valid threat. It made the woman wonder—what would happen to Crimson Dreams if someone decided to attack them?

A second, familiar howl, roused the woman from her reverie however. This call came from her brother and was specifically for herself or Anu. Whomever had been at the borders must be seeking acceptance into the pack. Savina placed the worn piece of paper she used for a bookmark between the pages of the history tome and rose. Swiftly she exited the manor and followed the call and scent of her sibling. As she approached, she was quite surprised to see the crowd that came into view. Emerald orbs widened as she took in the two adult canines, two pups, two horses, and a sheep. There had never been such a large group seeking acceptance at once.

As the raven woman came within speaking distance she painted her usual soft smile upon her face. "Ciao brother." She looked at Ehno before her gaze swept over the ragged little band. "I am Savina Marino, the leader here. I guess that you seek acceptance into our ranks?"

Image courtesy of Hudson Gardner@Flickr; table template by the Mentors! By Noelle

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