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Colibri; I've spoken with Hanna, just call on her or something however that fits. Mew's den is in Wolfville.

Panting, Mew tried to get up. Only minutes ago she had collapsed, in pains worse than she could imagine. After her scramble with the inferni coyote, she had had various amounts of cramps along her lower spine; these were destroying her now. She had felt weak and ill the past few days, thinking it was not much more than the usual post-fight signs to go along with her pregnancy, also Hanna's kindly distributed herbs had helped somewhat. Calculating in her head, yes, the litter was due. But what was this; she had witnessed births before. Many could do it alone, but she doubted that she could. Legs trembled as she was trying to force her muscles to do her bidding, but they refused and she met the floor of the building she had chosen as her home. Looking back at her hind body, she saw her legs wrapped in blood, shaking, and she was certain this was not normal. She had expected pains, and blood, and everything that came along, but.. this? If this was the normal way around it she couldn't see how others seemed to be able to handle it by themselves. Once more she tried to get up, finding no strength. Her vision faltered, went from black to circling around her to black again, though she knew her head was still. Small whimpers left her mouth, but she was preoccupied with breathing and could see no way she could bear this. The pain was overwhelming, centered along her spine and somehow taking control of her hind legs. She would not be able to stand, nor control what was happening. She needed help. Taking a deep breath in, she attempted to howl, only halfway managing a loud sound before it was broken off, her usual so soft voice sharp with pain and desperation. Lying still, she gathered herself. That would not do. Concentrating hard to maintain consciousness. Once again she lifted her head a little, and using her body as pressure to her lungs she flung out another howl, tones leaded with urgency and a beg for help disappearing into the night. She could only hope they would carry out of the walls of the building and somehow reach.. someone. Anyone.


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