[m/p] so contagious
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content starting with the 7th post.. Reader discretion is advised.

For Faaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeee, hope this is okay? Bleh post is bleh.

They were very, very far from home on a mate bonding trip.

Ever had decided her mate needed a horse. Ezra hadn’t said no, but he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Ezra wasn’t sure if he would get along with another beast that he couldn’t communicate with. He knew low speech and had heard other werewolves communicating to lesser creatures that way. It was fascinating, for sure, but he wasn’t sure if a horse was his ideal pet. He would be a slave to the stables now and would have a lot of learning to do. As long as Ever was there to help him along, then he guessed he didn’t mind. A horse could be interesting and more fun than he probably thought.

The two had been traveling for what felt like days on Saphraine’s back headed north to a spot that only the silvery woman knew about. Wild horses lived there peacefully, and the two intended to bring one home with them. They had decided on a mare so that maybe one day Saphraine and Ezra’s horse could breed. Now that the time for horse wrangling was approaching, the hybrid was excited. No longer anxious, Ezra spent the trip daydreaming what his new friend would be like. The three were at the base of the mountain. The day had been long and strenuous, trying to make good time and not spend forever outside of the kingdom.

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Table by alli <3


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