Italian Stallion Arrives

She was so wrapped up in her own thoughts and feelings that she hardly even noticed her own surroundings, they were insignificant and unimportant to her at the moment, she just wanted some time to wander around and think and try and sort her head out properly, she needed Gal and soonish otherwise she would likely descend into a nervous emotional wreck. She also wished the fucking sunshine would get lost and that it rain for a bit instead so it would match how she felt inside, dark and stormy and rainy. She was unknowingly traveling on a direct course that would intersect with that of Ibycus.

She was startled when a voice from rather close by her sounded out, at first she thought it was Matteo from the Italian accent that she heard before realising that the voice was too deep for it to ever be Matteo. She stopped in her journey and looked around herself, blinded for a moment by the shining sun before her baby blue eyes managed to focus on who it was that had spoken. The male's face was very doggish in appearance with ears that didn't stand up on their own, her own over sized ears pulled back slightly and her tail stiffened a little bit, she didn't really want any company of either kind and would be willing to fight her way out of a situation.

She sniffed a bit and looked away, wiping the tears from her face before returning her gaze to his strange turquoise eyes and looked him over, the rest of his was very doggish looking as well, some kind of shepherd maybe or some hybrid with ancestry that way,

"Not really, not unless you can bring back dead people." Her words were short and clipped and her tone neutral, "What is it you want?"

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