Ashes and Ashes Territories

Withered Realms

These are the former territories of Bleeding Souls, burned in the 2008 fires. Although there is faint evidence of life returning to this area, the fire was catastrophic, destroying much of the old-growth forests of the area, many of which were completely fire-intolerant. As a result, much of the vegetation was completely decimated and destroyed. Many trees have fallen, though some still remain, dead where they stand. Some greenery and evidence of life shows during the spring and summer months, but even this is sparse and stunted as the area struggles for its recovery. There are few prey animals to be found here -- indeed, it would seem the only animals managing to eke an existence in the burned areas are birds and other small rodents. Nonetheless, it is returning life, however unable to sustain Luperci it is.

Cobequid Foothills

The Foothills, formerly a territory of Bleeding Souls, comprised of the low-lying mountains to the north of Halcyon Mountain. In comparison the larger ridge, these are mere rolling hills, though they are gray and foreboding. Stinking sulphur pits, evidence of the long-dormant volcanic activity in the area, comprise what were once kettle lakes and pits, and the area seems overcome with a dense, stinking fog. Even the formerly beautiful Tranquil Springs have become tainted and poisonous to drink from -- any other streams or pools of water in the area are a genuine gamble. The dead and dying remnants of the trees, spared death from the fire but dying a slower one as the land surrounding them seems to die, are steadily withering. Nevertheless, stubborn shrubbery still takes root here between the charred trees -- though they are stunted and gnarled in accordance with their harsh surroundings. Even the birds don't nest here -- the area is devoid of life other than the obstinate shrubs sprouting here and there.

Ames de la Mort

The Âmes de la Mort, stretching south of the Cobequid Foothills to the edge of the Moaning Wood, was once a dead, gray land, littered with dead trees and thirsty dirt. These lands were the initial tinder for the vast wildfire that consumed its surroundings. The territory, once home to the Shadowed Stars pack, had become withered and gray long before the fire; however, in the aftermath, it seems to have fared the best of its surrounding territories. Most of the trees here fell during the initial fire and have begun to rot away; saplings can be seen here, and although the land seems strangely flat and bare, there is evidence of green, returning life. Strangely, however, the predominant settler seems to be the English Oak, which is not native to Nova Scotia. The tree seems to quash its competitors, guaranteeing a forest predominated by the invasive species in several years' time.

Moaning Wood

Often thought to be haunted in the time these territories were occupied, the Moaning Wood has grown no less strange, though its strangeness now lies in silence. The trees, once screaming and creaking, now lie in ruined shambles, blackened logs littering the earth. Here, the fire consumed the trees wholly, and though many of the dead remnants were quick to fall, the abundance of them in this area has smothered much of the potential for new tree growth. However, grass and other low shrubbery has begun to overtake the area, fed by the stream snaking through the territory. In the center of the territory, an unusually clean square is all that remains of the barn once constructed by the packmembers, the wood construction of the building long gone up in flames.

Yawrah River

The territory surrounding the Yawrah River, once green and lush, has become flat and dreary, comprised primarily of floodlands. The trees once lining the river's borders have been swept away, leaving the soil loose and free to erode. Thus, the once quick, clear Yawrah has become muddy and even stinking in the northernmost parts, tainted by the sulfur at its source. However, the clean water from its estuaries is enough to purify it further south -- here, however, the floodplains are even wider, and the river slows to a crawl, dominated by the invasive fanwort plant, another foreign invader to Nova Scotia's soil. Nevertheless, there is still evidence of fish life beneath the surface, and Ospreys and Bald Eagles, fisher-birds, are sometimes seen circling the muddy river, still capable hunters despite the change in the river. Other water-dwelling birds are often seen along the river, though not in any plentiful manner.


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