Darkness and lone nights
OCCBig Grinelete the last post please Smile

Woken by a splash close by Rain woke with a start. His minx had yipped in pain as he sat up, catching her before she hurt herself more. "Shhhh Anke. Du bist ok," he whispered to the minx getting her to calm down. He lay back down and cuddled the minx, giving it some cold ox soup from the night before. She ate fast and was quick to lay back down with him. He was starting to fall asleep again when he noticed a shadow looking figure by the his fire. He blinked as if the figure wasn't real but it was and it was still there. And then he heard a voice, shaky as if it were freezing. He put Anke down in her fur and made sure she stayed before standing.

"Hallo? Wer ist da?... Er... Hello? Who goes der?" he asked standing and walking over the the black figure. He was shocked to see it was another like him. After a quick look he noticed that the dark figure was a she and she was shivering. He grabbed his sleeping fur and wrapped it fur side down around her. He then goes and sits back down and pulls the minx kit to him, staring at the woman with interest. Who was she? Why was she here in this forest and why was she wet? He was intrigued by her, and wondered if she was going to stay with him. He really needed someone to talk to. "Um..plaze sit. I have som food if you will like," he said with a smile hoping she would sit and get to know him. "My name is Regen, whout is ihren namen?" he attempted to ask her as he continued to watch her

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