Darkness and lone nights
Slight PP tell me if you want it changed. Sorry for taking so long to answer back

Rain looked down before answering. "I'm looking for others like mir...me," he tried to say as he watched the black woman closely. She was beautiful and as he spooned out some deer meat and wild onion soup that he had left on the fire from the night before into a bowl for her, he couldn't surpress a smile for her. he handed her one of his wooden bowls and a wooden spoon for her to eat with. She was still shivering and as he stepped closer to her, he hoped she didn't fear him. "Hier is som Suppe. it wird help with da cold, um shivers," he said as he held out the bowl and spoon for her to take as Anke started to whine.

He put the bowl and spoon down on the stump next to her and went over to the mink kit and held it close. "Shhh Kleine, ich bin für Sie da..." he whispered softly to the mink kit as he rocked it and hummed a German lullaby to it. It wasn't long before the kit was asleep again and he looked up at the woman who was with him. "Rio right? Why are du doing aus here?" he questioned hoping she understood him. He knew his english was bad but she had answered him before and he hoped she didn't get frustrated with him because of it. He had been so long without company that having her here made him happy and curious about others like her. He missed being around others like him and wanted her company as long as she was willing to give it to him

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