shadow and flame

Word Count » 3+

Larkspur's reply was blunt, but pleasantly so. While Sirius himself had mastered the art of deception and manipulation, such things were not presented in the Arbiter's nature - His word was his thought, and thus truth. Because of the simplicity of this, the Thistle King allowed himself to believe the monolithic salt and pepper male with much more ease than he might have any other. Larkspur did not play the mindgames of which he, Loki-incarnate, was so proficient. Sirius' guard slipped lower, and he peered closer at the ivory woman, judging her with silent eyes of olive poison.

Her previous duty as a priestess somewhat unnerved him. Although he was not a man of god, or of any god, the supernatural struck alarm bells within Sirius. In truth, he feared those who walked the other world - Feared the unnatural power that came with singing so close to death. But this fear manifested itself as a strong dislike, and a weak respect. Eris and Tlantli were powerful because of their sacred-ness, and it was with fear for his soul that Sirius allowed them to continue in their supernatural meddlings.

The woman, Wisteria, spoke again, and her heavily accented voice was pleasant enough to the ear. Releasing her chin, the Thistle King turned his gaze thoughtfully to the mare she offered. The horse was indeed a handsome animal, young and spirited and not altogether unlike his own stallion. The Revlis man had a well known addiction to things of beauty, and he enjoyed the way the horse's creamy mane was lighter than its mottled brown body. After a moment of thought, the dark man nodded abruptly, more to himself than to the D'Angelo siblings. "Larkspur, take the mare back to my stables. She will make a fine addition to Salsolan stock. Don't let that mangy gelding near her - Save her for my stallion." With a somewhat fond pat of the ebony equine's arched mane, Sirius nodded again to himself. He knew very little of the correct way in which to breed and procure livestock, and in truth, his orders to Larkspur were empty of knowledge. The Arbiter would be able to do with both chocolate mare and black stallion whatever he wished - the Boss had minimal interest in the workings of such a thing, more so in the outcome.

Turning swiftly, he remounted, settling uncomfortably into the leather saddle once more. "She and the child may sleep in the Ruins, in one of the empty chambers, for now," His gaze glittered where the child was concealed, momentarily annoyed that it had not been presented to him - It was unwise to conceal anything from the eyes of the jealous Thistle King, for he prided himself in knowing all things, "Have Tlantli mark them both. Oh, and Wisteria-" The sharp smile returned to his darkly handsome features, both dangerous and alluring, "Welcome to the Family." And with that, the man set heels to his beast, and thundered off the way he had come.

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