sorry i've waited so long, but here i am now
backdated to may 29th.

Mizu had been nervous about meeting J'adore's brother. But she knew she had to do it at some point. Finally she got up the courage for it. She woke early that morning, enough time to make herself look presentable. She didn't want to be looking a hot mess the first time she officailly met Leon. She smiled at the thought. She had been chewing on mint leaves all morning so she wouldn't breath gross breath on him.

At high noon she came out of her and J'adore's hut and started to walk down to the stables. She knew that Leon worked with the animals, something she was quite interested in. Maybe she would ask him about it. She walked briskly, wanting to catch him before he left to take a break or something. The last couple meters she jogged, walking into the stable she looked around. She spotted Leon not too far away. "Hello Leon. I know we haven't oficially met but I thought today would be a good day!" She smiled, her voice cheerful. She walked towards him as she spoke, a little wave moving her arm. "So..." She stuck out her hand, "Mizu-Kuin Austraul." She grinned, her blue eyes sparkling happily, just a hint of nervousness seeping through.

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