Hold me, for I am weak
Just having him there seemed to be enough to comfort her. They where destined it seemed to never be happy. She just wanted a litter of puppies running around in their likeness, wanted to see how much he would grow up into the man she had only had glimpses of and now it was foiled. Demi cried silently, no moans escaping her, just tears running down her cheek. But Instinct again drove her actions as he form shook for a moment in the grips of a change, limps shortening and re-aligning to her lupus form, her stronger form. Instantly she felt more energy just from the shift but her eyes still looked up at him before feeling the coming urge again, letting nature do its own thing.

She stood, surging into his arms, nuzzling her head under his. Demi couldn’t explain the urge to shift, but could only reason that she would have if the puppies would have survived. Now though there was no reason to clean them, or make her birthing den clean, or dote over them, or to gain relief by having them drain the milk from her.

She licked his muzzle, the little wolf fitting easily in his strong arms, she couldn’t dwell so much on what had happened she reasoned, if she had died the children would have too, and Teddy would be left without her.

“We’ll try again love” she whispered, feeling stronger just being curled up in his arms.

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